Surrender Oil Painting

Andrea Realpe, Surrender, 2022, oil on canvas, 16 x 20 in My latest oil painting Surrender is about letting go to the situations in which we have no control over. We can plan, we can schedule, and we can strive for perfection, but ultimately we don’t have a say to how things end up. It's good to have an outline of your hopes and dreams with the knowledge that the outcome may be completely different than anticipated. Surrender is a reminder when things don't work out, meditate on the moment for which is fleeting. Meditate on the abundant beauty that surrounds us. Acknowledge everything that has occurred with gratitude and look forward to what is to come whether it's what you want or not. This is the lesson I take away especially this month. This painting is a tribute to my blueberry angel. Surrounded by water the women surrenders to the ocean. Her arms are pulled back with her chest and belly forwa...